Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN): Naltrexone is Being Used for Pain and Chronic Pain | Inland Detox

Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN): Naltrexone is Being Used for Pain and Chronic Pain

Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) can be used for healing purposes in patients by reducing the feeling of pain that is chronic to severe. Traditionally, this medicine was used to treat alcohol or drug addiction in patients and is used to block opioid receptors, reducing the effects of drugs or alcohol, making it easier to taper the amount you are taking and become clean. At Inland Detox, patients are treated with medications such as Naltrexone during detox from drugs or alcohol, making it easier for the patient to use a small amount of the substance, and decreasing the effects of withdrawal.

In recent years, Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) has been used for chronic pain and pain relief in patients by working in a similar way and blocking the opioid receptors. Many patients can take a dose of Naltreoxone for pain relief from certain health disorders, that allow them to be more comfortable, resulting in pain relief.

Naltrexone for Pain and Your Health

Living with chronic pain in any part of your body, can be life altering, and not in a good way. Pain that is chronic can affect the way you feel about doing anything, including daily activities such as walking or getting out of bed. Nobody wants to live with any sort of pain, especially when there is no chance of it going away.

Many patients use medications such as Naltrexone (LDN) for pain management and relief for a period of time to give them some relief. These treatments can make your pain much easier to manage, so that you can live a fuller, more comfortable life.

If you are struggling with any sort of pain, it is important to reach out to your doctor and discuss your options for medications such as Naltrexone (LDN) for pain relief.

Naltrexone (LDN) for the Management of Pain Relief

Chronic pain is a serious medical condition affecting 1 in 5 people worldwide and up to 40% of the US population. Currently available medical therapies for pain relief treatment of chronic pain may be unsatisfactory, risky, and expensive to employ.

“Low-dose naltrexone (LDN), considered in a daily dose of 1 to 5 mg, has been shown to reduce glial inflammatory response by modulating Toll-like receptor 4 signaling in addition to systemically upregulating endogenous opioid signaling by transient opioid-receptor blockade. Clinical reports of LDN have demonstrated possible benefits in diseases such as fibromyalgia, Crohn’s disease, multiple sclerosis, complex-regional pain syndrome, Hailey-Hailey disease, and cancer.” (Tolijan, K. and Vrooman, B, 2018).

Recently, patients have found that Naltrexone (LDN) can be effective in pain relief by treating pain while covering the 4 “L’s”; low cost, low risk, low dose and low side effects. LDN has also been shown to treat chronic pain, in an off-label form and at a low quantity. A small amount of Naltrexone vs Naloxone can significantly increase the quality of life in a patient, and is relatively low risk in terms of medications.

What Effects Central Nerve Pain?

So, what is the story behind central nerve pain and why does it happen? The Central Nervous system (CNS) is made up of nerves and cells called glia. The glia cells make up about 80% of the CNS while the nerves make up about 20%. The purpose of glia cells are to protect the immune system health and defense to the CNS. Under typical situations, a patient’s glia remains inactive and safe, but if there is injury or trauma it is activated, causing pain to occur.

How Naltrexone (LDN) Works

What is Naltrexone? One promising treatment for a patient in disrupting and rehabilitating the vicious cycle of chronic pain is an off-label use of an old medication: Naltrexone (LDN). Typically, Naltrexone (LDN) is taken as an opioid blocker for people suffering from addiction. It can be used to block the symptoms that occur when taking a drug, making it easier to decrease the dose and eventually become sober.

It can seem strange to think that opioid blockers such as a dose of Naltrexone (LDN) medicine can be used for pain relief and management in patients, but many patients discuss the success they have experienced while taking it. They have proved that it does work wonders with its therapy effects in the body for pain relief. When a patient takes a dose of Naltrexone (LDN) and it is activated in a low quantity, it can block the opioid receptors only slightly, which can release the effects of pain in patients who take it. The results of this treatment is relief and healing.

A dose of Naltrexone (LDN) effects patients by acting on micro glia cells and it is a novel CNS anti-inflammatory agent, working well on a patient with persistent pain such as fibromyalgia, complex regional pain syndrome, migraine, irritable bowel syndrome, etc. It can also be used for therapy and treatment of the effects of other health disorders such as neuropathic pains, inflammatory conditions, autoimmune diseases, persistent fatigue and other care for other chronic pain disorders.

What to expect from LDN

Release and activation of Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) can take some time to work, in some cases LDN will not work and release in the body for several months, and even take up to a year for activation to begin working. Patients have said they have seen some relief after around 9-12 months once the medicine is activated, and for pain relief it continues to get better.

The main goal in taking LDN is to reduce the symptoms and progression of certain diseases, resulting in improved health and reduced pain. Some of these improvements include symptom improvement, decreases in exacerbation of pain, improved functioning and better tolerance to pain.

LDN Safety

For patients who are planning to have surgery, it is important to consult your doctor beforehand so that there are not multiple medications being taken together. This could cause interference or certain health safety concerns.

Doctors who treat people with LDN believe that because it is given at such a low dose, there is a low risk to cause any harm. At high doses (50mg to 300mg of naltrexone) it may cause problems to the liver. Anyone with pre-existing liver and kidney conditions using LDN should have their metabolic functions monitored by their doctors.

Natrexone Treatment at Inland Detox

Patients at Inland Detox have been treated with medications such as Naltrexone (LDN) to treat alcohol use disorder (AUD) and opioid use disorder (OUD). It is a medication assisted treatment option that can be prescribed by a medical practitioner or physician. While under the care and therapy of our staff during a drug or alcohol detox, you could be prescribed medications like Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) to help curb the cravings and feelings that are associated with a drug or alcohol. To learn more about Low Dose Naltrexone Side Effects and Naltrexone for Alcohol and Drug Addiction Side Effects please read our additional articles.

If you or a loved one are suffering from the disease of addiction, residential treatment could be right for you. Please dial (888) 739-8296 to speak with one of Inland Detox’s compassionate staff members, available 24/7. Help is just a phone call away.


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