Ibuprofen and Alcohol | Inland Detox

Ibuprofen and Alcohol

When you Drink Alcohol

Ethanol is the active ingredient in any beverage that contains alcohol. Ethanol is the byproduct of the fermentation of sugars from grains, fruit, or other sources. Alcohol is a mind-altering drug that affects the way we behave and think. It is a depressant and slows down our thinking processes, our heart, and our breathing. Alcohol is popular and people often find it relaxes them for social interactions, lowers their inhabitations, and is well established as a way of forming social bonds with others in groups.

How much alcohol you use and how regularly you drink are questions you may want to discuss with a healthcare professional. Some individuals develop alcohol abuse issues and alcohol is the most common manifestation of substance abuse disorder. Alcohol use has associated health risks and entirely depends on how much a person drinks and for how long.

While You are Drinking Alcohol

When you are drinking alcohol, your stomach is absorbing the alcohol into your bloodstream. Blood flow takes the alcohol to the brain where it interacts with the neural receptors. At the same time, your liver begins to process the alcohol out of your system because it is identified as a toxin. Alcohol use in moderate amounts might not have a serious effect beyond stomach upset. Alcohol intake can become a regular part of our lives and with more alcohol comes kidney problems, chest pain, stomach pain, decreased alertness, and even greater risks. Mixing a medication or combining alcohol has risks associated with it even when the medication is at the recommended dosage.

Mixing Alcohol with Other Substances

The effects of alcohol are intensified when combined with certain medications or some other substances. Women generally have less water in their bodies than men and experience higher concentrations of alcohol. One effect of alcohol is to make you drowsy but combined with medication that has a similar effect can be disastrous when driving or operating machinery.

Some medications contain other substances that also interact with alcohol. Over-the-counter medication, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs include medications like Ibuprofen. The risk factors and side effects are made worse by using alcohol in combination with these drugs. Prescription drugs and pain medications can have their own issues with alcohol consumption, and you should consult with your pharmacist or seek professional medical advice.

Can you Drink Alcohol While Taking Ibuprofen?

Mixing ibuprofen with a small amount of alcohol in your digestive tract is considered safe if it happens infrequently. The issues occur when there are higher than normal concentrations of either or both, or pre-existing medical conditions. Stomach bleeding in the digestive tract from ulcers and heart conditions can be a side effect when we mix ibuprofen and alcohol.

Kidney damage can be serious and even fatal when you are taking ibuprofen and alcohol together. Taking ibuprofen, or any pain medication and alcohol together should be avoided when you suspect you have underlying health issues, or your consumption of alcohol is more than a single drink. Prescription pain relievers can also contain ibuprofen. If you are using the prescription medication you should consult with a medical professional who can provide medical advice on the effects of taking any medication in combination with alcohol.

Some cold medicines can contain ibuprofen. Long-term ibuprofen use has been medically reviewed. Wellness professionals, using peer-reviewed studies oversee such placement in product development ensuring safety. Taking any painkiller has been medically reviewed but when combined with alcohol is never recommended.

Can I Take Ibuprofen After a Night of Drinking?

Taking ibuprofen and alcohol should be avoided even for a day or two after drinking depending on the amount of alcohol that was consumed. The liver processes toxins out of your system slowly. If you are drinking regularly and heavily, you might find it is best to never take ibuprofen. Taking ibuprofen and alcohol can result in harmful interactions. while it is not a prescription drug, taking ibuprofen regularly can have serious repercussions when combined with alcohol.

Is Ibuprofen Bad for Your Liver When Drinking?

The liver is designed to remove toxins from your system and processes substances and medications like ibuprofen. These processes can damage the liver. The liver also has tremendous capability to regenerate. Prolonged exposure to some medications like ibuprofen, when combined with regular alcohol consumption can cause lasting damage to the liver including Toxic Hepatitis, which can be fatal. Both alcohol and medications can damage the liver but when combined the effects are worse.

Is it OK to Have Tylenol with Alcohol?

Tylenol contains the active ingredient acetaminophen. This is another medication that is processed by the liver. Excessive use of acetaminophen or high doses of the drug can lead to liver damage. When combined with the effects of alcohol, the problems worsen. In extreme cases, acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity can permanently damage the liver.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, pain relievers, cold medication, other NSAIDS, and other medications have often been medically reviewed and prolonged exposure, when combined with alcohol, creates a greater risk of trauma, permanent damage, and even death. The long-term consequences need to be considered whenever we take two drugs, including alcohol if we consider it a drug.

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Gastrointestinal Bleeding and Other Side Effects

The liver is an amazing organ that processes medications and removes toxins. Some of the substances, like alcohol, can cause damage to the liver. The liver has the capacity to regenerate but over a prolonged period or in the cases of overdoses, the damage can be extensive, and the liver is unable to recover.

Prolonged exposure to substances like alcohol or some medications can also damage the lining of the stomach, causing ulcers to form. These ulcers can start to bleed and result in gastrointestinal bleeding. Even small bleeds can be fatal within hours. Healing these types of wounds can be difficult and treatment options vary depending on the nature and location of the wound.

Mixing alcohol while taking ibuprofen increases the effects of damage and strains other systems. The kidneys also process toxins like alcohol. Alcohol abuse will strain the kidneys. Permanent kidney damage becomes a possibility after prolonged use. Kidney damage is a side effect of prolonged exposure to some medications, and when combined with even moderate drinking, the damage can be lasting.

Treatment at Inland Detox

At Inland Detox we treat individuals who are suffering from alcohol or drug addiction, at our facility located in Temecula, CA. Our staff are highly qualified and provide the best care to the clients that we treat. Some of our treatment programs include detox care, individual or group counseling, family counseling, nutrition/health counseling, and other holistic care options.

If you or someone you know is struggling with a substance use disorder, please contact us at (888) 739-8296 for additional information. We can work with you or a family member to address the underlying reasons behind the addiction and work toward recovery.