Drug Detox: 10 Interesting Facts About Drug Detox Centers

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What picture comes to mind when you hear “drug detox center”? A roomful of people groaning on cots in the fetal position? An assembly line that guides patients through the worst of withdrawal, then turns them out with admonitions to “stay clean”? Although most people can now easily find a drug or alcohol detox center […]

Top 10 Ways Drug Detox Centers Help People Overcome Addiction

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If you suspect you have a drug-addiction problem, you may be aware of the dangers of “just stopping” but unsure of what professional help could really do for you. Well, professional detox treatment centers can do quite a bit: 1. Drug detox centers evaluate people physically and psychologically. Since a high percentage of people with […]

Alcohol Detox: Learning From Those Who Were Foolish Enough to Detox at Home

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The idea of doing drug and alcohol detox at home is popular these days—unfortunately. It’s never safe to detox without medical advice, and the most commonly used addictive substance, alcohol, is also one of the most dangerous substances to attempt home detox from. Common risks include delirium, seizures, irregular heart rate and severe dehydration. Suggestions […]

Couples and Addiction: Learn How to Support Each Other Through Addiction & Recovery

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Addiction is often referred to as a family disease, but current approaches in recovery programs typically do not include relationship and conflict management or how-to navigate through recovery and heal from the aftermath of addiction. So we asked our top 24 addiction experts and mental health therapists in San Diego, California to share their insight […]